Interview with Monique Ruinen, Dutch Consultant for Youth & Family Movies

“Every subject can have its place in a Dutch youth film”

Monique_RuinenWhen it comes to children’s film, The Netherlands are European market leaders, in quality and probably in quantity. At Cinekid, Amsterdam, MIFFY (by Hans Perk) was awarded ‘Best Dutch Children’s Film 2013’ while the audience chose for anti-bully film REGRET! by Dave Schram. And now FINN and A CHRISTMOOSE STORY are competing in Berlinale’s Generation. Continue reading “Interview with Monique Ruinen, Dutch Consultant for Youth & Family Movies”

Interview with Ilgar Najaf about BUTA

“Directors often feel like Christopher Columbus”

Buta2_g7-year old Buta lives with his grandmother in a mountain village in Azerbaijan. Life seems easy: Buta goes to school, plays with his girlfriend, fights a group of envious boys and meets a new friend and tutor, an old soap seller encouraging him by his worldly wisdom and telling him stories from a long gone past. Continue reading “Interview with Ilgar Najaf about BUTA”

Interview with Evgeny Ruman about IGOR AND THE CRANES’ JOURNEY

“We intended to cut before the kissing started”

Evgeny_RumanVisiting his divorced dad – an ornithologist with a special interest in cranes – Igor (11) witnesses a crane chick hatching from an egg and names it ‘Karl’. When mum decides to start a new life in Israel, Igor has a hard time settling in the new country. Meanwhile Karl is about to set off on its winter migration to Africa, a life-threatening journey. Karl might set ‘foot’ on Israeli ground, luring dad on his trail to study the bird’s migration patterns. Igor decides to build a winter home to welcome Karl. Continue reading “Interview with Evgeny Ruman about IGOR AND THE CRANES’ JOURNEY”


“Do you know that children have unlearned the capability of climbing a tree?”

Janno_Poldma5 years long Europe has awaited the return of the curious and helpful doggy-girl from Gadgetville. Back home in Estonia fans didn’t have to exercise the same patience, as books, musicals and TV-series about Lotte were presented. And soon the LotteWorld theme park will open its gate. Continue reading “Janno Põldma & Heiki Ernits’ LOTTE AND THE MOONSTONE SECRET”

Interview with Martin Högdahl about ICE DRAGON

“The film industry is so scared”

HoegdahlLong ago at the BUFF Financing Forum Martin Högdahl pitched his project, two things stuck to my mind: children’s film and heavy metal. A rare combination. But ICE DRAGON is much more than that: problems with his alcoholic dad make Mik flee to his aunt’s little village. Here he makes friends, learns how to fish, builds a snow-scooter and finds peace of mind. Until one day there is a knock on the door… And Mik again is on the run. Continue reading “Interview with Martin Högdahl about ICE DRAGON”

Interview with Froukje Tan, director of MY ADVENTURES BY V. SWCHWRM

“A childlike ambition to make things happen”

Swchwrm-142Froukje Tan’s MY ADVENTURES BY V. SWCHWRM is different from any other children’s film you recently saw. Actually it is different from any other movie that you ever saw… An absurd, poetic tale about a boy and his biggest dream: writing a book that could change the world… if only he could come up with a striking opening sentence. Continue reading “Interview with Froukje Tan, director of MY ADVENTURES BY V. SWCHWRM”