Interviews are back!

ECFA picks up an old habit, as interviews from now on will be published again on the ECFA website. Read again online about your favourite young audience films in interviews with directors, actors etc. that were published in the ECFA Journal.


Please note that these interviews are freely at the disposal of ECFA members who want to publish them, when mentioning ECFA in the credits.
More information:

Markus Dietrich about INVISIBLE SUE

“I’m good in superhero trivia”

INVISIBLE SUE tells a hectic story about an unlikely superhero and her odd friends. The pace is rapid, the storyline complex, there’s flickering lights and sinister locations. The film by German director Markus Dietrich premiered at the Cinekid festival in Amsterdam.

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Nils Hedinger about his short film KUAP

Tadpoles do not develop simultaneously – and neither do humans

In our world things often reach a point where all you want to do is turn your head and look away. But, fortunately, plenty of short films for children actually do deal with those issues. The current trend is: take a closer look where it hurts, and where the protagonists never give up. One example is Nils Hedinger’s KUAP, about a tadpole who somehow misses out on becoming a frog and is left behind.

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Madara Dislere about PARADISE ‘89

“With a drop of nostalgia – like summer when it’s almost over”

Summer, 1989. Sunlight softly falls in delicate rays over the village where city girls Paula and Laura come to spend their summer holidays. Four girls in flowery skirts, unattended, playfully imitating the life of adults, while in the background the signs of a national uproar against the Russian occupier can no longer be denied. At the Filem’on festival in Brussels, director Madara Dislere can’t emphasise enough how deeply the film is based on her own childhood experiences. “It’s about a young girl’s farewell to the life she had so far, and the start of a new era.”

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