Black Nights for LOS BANDO

What if you’re winning one festival award after the other, but still didn’t get nominated for the ECFA Award? It almost happened to LOS BANDO by Christian Lo (Norway), until now… This hilarious musical road movie won the ECFA Award at the Black Nights Festival in Tallinn, Estonia. Continue reading “Black Nights for LOS BANDO”

Film Education: from Framework to Impact

The project ‘Film Education: from Framework to Impact’, funded by Creative Europe, is a consortium of the BFI, DFI, Vision Kino (Germany), and the Cinémathèque Française, supported by EFADs and their Film Education Working Group.


Over the next two years this project will be building resources, training materials, and infrastructure networks to support film education in a range of European territories, developing out of the Framework for Film Education. Its first action is to gather intelligence from key national and trans-national bodies about existing practice and structures, to see what is valued, why people do the film education work they do, and what extra support is needed. The perspective of the children’s film sector is very valuable here. Therefore we are asking as many ECFA members as possible to fill in this short survey (which should take 20 à 30 minutes). The final deadline is already November 9th. Thank you for your consideration!

On behalf of the BFI,

Mark Reid