FLICK (Film Literacy InCubator Klub) is a new film education project, developed by Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique, Deutsches Filminstitut, EYE Filmmuseum, Les enfants de cinema and ACE-Association of European Cinémathèques. The aim of FLICK is to build a platform (Klub) where different types of stakeholders involved in film education and audience development can work jointly, in order to increase the awareness of the importance of film education in the digital era, and study options to link European film heritage to education. Continue reading “FLICK”

Luxemburg City Festival (22 February – 4th March)

With the record number of 29,300 visitors in 2017, the Luxembourg City Film Festival has firmly established itself as the nation’s leading cinema event. Supported by the Ministry of Culture and the City of Luxembourg, the festival is committed to presenting a vast high-quality panorama of contemporary fiction and documentary films, special screenings and an extensive young audience programme. Continue reading “Luxemburg City Festival (22 February – 4th March)”