Camera rolling for GLAVONJA

Last month in Zagreb, filming began for GLAVONJA, the story of 10-year-old Alisa and her autistic brother Milan, who, along with three young detectives, embark on a somewhat surreal adventure. The film is directed by Marina Andree Škop and Vanda Raýmanová.


The film contains plenty of comical elements; we plan to tell the story in a quirky, stylised cinematic language,” says Marina Andree Škop (MY GRANDPA IS AN ALIEN). “Through this humorous approach, the unconventional visual style, and a combination of live-action and animation, we want to entertain young audiences while at the same time raise awareness about an important theme.” “Marina and I come from different film worlds; my focus is on animated film, while hers is on live-action cinema for children,” adds Vanda Raýmanová. “What unites us is a strong desire to jointly create this film, through which we want to sow the seeds of empathy and understanding in the minds of young audiences. Intuitively they will understand how much they can learn from those who are different.


GLAVONJA is produced by PomPom Film (Croatia) and Objectif (Slovakia), with minority partners In Slovenia and Latvia, and should hit the theatres in 2026.


Contact: Ana Kanjera;