The audience of the 9th edition of Kino Dzieci (Kids Kino Int’l Film Festival) nowadays are spread over 20 Polish cities! In Warsaw and Wroclaw, the entire programme is available, while the main competition is presented in 18 more locations nationwide. Thus viewers from around the country decide the winning films… and then there’s juries, like the ECFA Jury!


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NINE LIVES LEFT wins Greek ‘Cinekid Script LAB’ Contest

Zacharias Mavroeidis’ project NINE LIVES LEFT has won the Script Development Contest, organised by the Athens Int’l Children’s Film Festival and Cinekid. This initiative offers an opportunity for Greek filmmakers to participate in one of the largest international script development workshops, the Cinekid Script LAB.




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Wrapping up Kids Kino Industry 2022

Four days of pitching and conference presentations, multiple possibilities for networking, accompanying programmes such as Kids Kino Lab, Producers LINK, and Young Talents,… were a lot to cover within a short amount of time. But new connections, ideas and inspirations are worth a few sleepless nights. The Kids Kino Industry international co-production forum took place on 27-30 September in Warsaw and online. Time to line up some results… 


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DaBUF’s Nordic Filmcamp

How do you set up an international film workshop in Denmark and invite young people from Scandinavia for a week? Lise-Lotte Bjørkholt and Kirsten Østergaard Nielsen from the board and International Group of DaBUF (organisation for Danish Children & Youth Filmclubs) had the intention, but not the experience. With the help of Judith Breuning (Filmfabrikken Møn filmschool), which had set up a similar camp in 2014, they made it happen… and wrote a report.


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