Digital KIDS for KIDS launches three webinars

Fest of Fests, an Athens-based network for Youth Film Festivals, Film Education Organizations, and Film content-related Institutions from all over the world, launches a new project. The digital KIDS for KIDS is a service addressing children who are into filmmaking. This service will present audiovisual content made by children and will organize an annual award and a Summer Youth Film School. In the run-up to the implementation of this service, now three inquisitive webinars are organised.


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Producers LINK at Kids Kino Industry

This year Kids Kino Industry and Cinekid for Professionals joined forces to launch Producers LINK, a newly established programme for emerging producers of children’s content. The programme is designed to stimulate the production of top-quality children’s content and pan-European co-productions, and will provide follow-up both during and after the two leading kids events in Autumn.


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Schlingel presents Preludes & Premieres

The tension is rising among film colleagues… Looking forward to meeting again on the international festival scene! What place would be better for your glorious return than the Schlingel Festival where even last year, against all odds, much more than a “hybrid”, the ambition was “on location”. The festival is ready to welcome you from 9–16 October in Chemnitz, Germany.


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Brazilian culture represented at Florianopolis Festival

In a country with continental dimensions like Brazil, with huge cultural and geographic differences, a project that started two decades ago has now become an important mirror of childhoods from around the world through film narratives. The Florianópolis Children’s Film Festival celebrates its 20th anniversary edition with a free online programme, bringing to the screen the richness of Brazilian culture and how it’s dialogue with the rest of the world.


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