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Oulu International Children's and Youth Film Festival

Oulu, Finland
18/11/2024 - 24/11/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): November 2025

Competitive Original Children's Film Festival
Director/s: Anttolainen, Mika (operative director)
Prizes: Star Boy Award, ECFA Award, "Look at me" -Award, Global Future Prize, ECFA Short Film Award
Deadline for film entries: 08/08/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Programs: Features, Animations, Documentaries, Shorts
Number of films (app.): 140
Age of audience: 3-99
Number of spectators (app.): 30.000
Average number of journalists: 25
Festival's guests: Directors, Producers, Actors, Distributors, Others
Festival's recognition: international
Media coverage: international
Special Events: 2nd Children's Film Forum, seminars on film and film & media education, retrospectives, exhibitions, workshops, Oskari-gala (awards for films made by children & young people)

This festival is a member of ECFA

Cultural Centre Valve
Hallituskatu 7
SF-90100 Oulu

Phone: ++358 40 5213 960 Anna (Anna), ++358 44 588 1134 (Mika)
Fax: ++358-881 12 90
Internet: www.oulufilmfestival.fi/en/home/