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Festivals for Films made by Young Filmmakers

The Norwegian International Filmfestival / "Cinemagi"

Haugesund, Norway
17/08/2024 - 23/08/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Rhythm: annual, next Festival afterwards (probably): August/September 2025

Non-Competitive Children's Film Section
Director/s: Hardersen, Tonje (Dir.)
Prizes: "Amanda"-Award for the "Best Children's Film"
Programs: Features, Shorts, Animations
Number of films (app.): children's programme:6 full-length movies plus a program with 6 Norwegian short films
Average number of journalists: 100
Festival's guests: Directors, Actors
Festival's recognition: international
Media coverage: national, international
Notes/description: The children's Film Section of this festival is now called "Cinemagi".

In th children's section the festival only screens films that have already been picked up in Norwegian distribution.

This festival is a member of ECFA

PO Box 145
N-5500 Haugesund

Phone: ++47-52-743375
Fax: ++47-52-734420
Internet: www.filmfestivalen.no